Wednesday, October 30, 2019

HAUNTING OF PARNELL HOUSE ~PART 4~ #hauntings #hauntedhouses #ghosts

~PART 4~

The Furs!

We had been in the house for about six months, our family consisted of my older and younger sister, my older and younger brother, and myself, my parents, and my grandparents. 
One day, my mother was emptying some boxes she never got around to emptying and was about to reach up and put something on the top shelf of her closet knowing she had cleaned it and planned to store the rest of her stuff there, completely empty she was surprised to see a huge unfamiliar envelope. Looking at it and wondering how she could have missed something that big while cleaning, she decided to open it. Inside were instructions: from Bernice ... the owners mother, (our ghost). 

...It read: Dear Son, please make sure the fur coats in the front closet are set aside for the girls. (along with other belongings that she wanted her girls to have). By now my mother's curiosity was getting the better of her, she knew for a fact the house was empty of all belongings besides that wheel chair. 
By now the woman in my family were getting quite used to Bernice's presence, knew she wasn't there to harm us. In fact she was there we felt by now to watch over us, she loved her grandchildren, which happen to be three girls..of which my mother had three girls. 

My parents bedroom and our bedroom (us three girls), was an addition Bernice's son had built for his mother and the upstairs bedroom room belonged to the his three girls, thus the vanity in the girls bedroom. My parents were in the first floor addition, also containing a bathroom and then a glass door leading into the other parts of the house thru the dinning room, then living room, then the front closet, (which was not all that big), and already contained all the coats, boots, hats, and scarves, of my family members. Nothing was in that closet when we moved in, nothing! 

Talking to Bernice which my mother always did, like she was a living being, as all the woman in our family had grown comfortable in doing by now. Okay Bernice, what are you trying to tell me? I've been in this closet a thousand times so I don't know what you're expecting me to find. 
Figuring by now, her son (our landlord), had already removed from the home and had retrieved the furs.  Imagine her shock, it still gives me goosebumps recalling this story ... as she rummaged thru the family's coats which we had jam packed into this small closet, she is fidgeting around and all of a sudden she is feeling ... FUR!!!  Not one fur, not two furs, but as she continues to feel around,, three hangers, three FURs!! Which were not there there the previous 6 months of living there!!
They seemed to materialize out of nowhere, just like the envelope that contained her last wishes that she wanted these three furs to be put aside for her three girls. 
And so, that's just what my mother did, she called her son, explained she found a letter and three furs. Her son was of coarse was shocked and grateful as they had been looking for them for those 6 months, and thought he must have misplaced them, not expecting to ever see them again, as he also knew he had vacated the property of all of  his mother's belongings. 

Some things in that house cannot be explained, and we had by this time stopped trying to find explanations for them. We were happy, she was happy.
At night as my mother and grandmother were having their nightly cup of tea in the kitchen, 
there were no pans rattling or flying off the stove, no crying, ... just silence. 

But that's still not the end of  "The Haunting of Parnell House."

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